Monday 16 February 2015

Identity Unknown?

Matthew 16:13-16

Who was Jesus? Many thought He was one of the prophets who brought God's word to the people. The people had seen His miracles and heard His teaching and that's who they thought Jesus was. But Simon Peter knew Jesus was The Christ (The Messiah), the Living God.

The Jews thought that the Saviour would be someone who would physically rescue them from those oppressing them at the time. But Jesus came for a much greater reason. The eternal God (God The Father) sent Jesus (God The Son) into the world to save us. Jesus wasn't just a man, he was God Himself. Our God is not a remote being, He lived among us. The disciples knew this.

Who is Jesus to you? We all have an opinion.

It is historical fact that a man called Jesus existed and did what was recorded in the Bible (and many other reliable documents).

Maybe you think He was just a good person. But this can't logically be. He claimed to be the Son of God, if you don't believe He was God, then you must believe He was a liar - not a good man. Or maybe He was a delusional lunatic claiming to be God? Again, not a good person. The only thing that rings true is that He must be who He claimed to be - the living Son of God. We know it in our hearts when we read about His life.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Am I Teachable?

"A wise man listens to advice."

Everything we know we learned from someone else, including the stuff we claim credit for! It may be new to us, but it's not new.

The Governor of North Carolina once complimented Thomas Edison on his creative genius. "I am not a great inventor," countered Edison. "But you have over a thousand patents to your credit," the Governor stated. "Yes, but about the only invention I can claim is absolutely original, is the phonograph," Edison replied. "I'm afraid I don't understand," the Governor remarked. "Well," explained Edison, "I'm an awfully good sponge. I absorb ideas wherever I can and put them to practical use. Then I improve them until they become of some value. My ideas are mostly the ideas of other people who didn't develop them themselves."

Edison was a lifelong learner. He stayed open, hungry for knowledge, and teachable. And to succeed, you must too.

To know whether you're teachable, ask yourself:
  1. Am I open to other people's thoughts and ideas?
  2. Do I listen more than I talk?
  3. Am I willing to change my opinion based on new information?
  4. Do I readily admit when I am wrong?
  5. Do I think and observe before acting on a situation?
  6. Do I ask questions?
  7. Am I willing to ask a question that will expose my ignorance?
  8. Am I open to doing things in a way I haven't done them before?
  9. Am I willing to ask for directions?
  10. Do I act defensively when criticized, or do I listen openly for the truth?

The Bible says: "The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice."

(The Word for Today by Bob Gass)

Thursday 5 September 2013

Careful or Fearful?

"The Lord will deliver me."
1 Samuel 17:37
Fearful people often excuse their fears as just being careful... are you careful or just plain scared?
Careful is thoughtfulFearful is emotional
Careful is fueled by informationFearful is fueled by imagination
Careful calculates riskFearful avoids risk
Careful wants to achieve successFearful wants to avoid failure
Careful is concerned about progressFearful is concerned about protection
Leaders instill courage in the hearts of those who follow - not just by their words but by their actions.

Monday 2 April 2012

The Chronicles of Easter: Heroes of History

"The road to Emmaus is long and only getting longer! It's been a bad week for John Cleopas and now he's lost with an upset wife and a travelling companion with anger-management issues. 

Fortunately, just when things are at their worst they happen across a stranger who knows the way. Journey with these new found friends, in a story-telling adventure, as they discover warriors and giants, plagues and princesses and come face to face the greatest hero ever to walk the Earth."

Last term's highest point scorers were invited to join us to see the Salt Mine Production Company put on a play at a church in Harrow, Saturday 31st March, and afterwards they even laid a large spread of homemade cakes. It was a really enjoyable afternoon and the Salt Mine actors did an amazing job!